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Chaire de recherche sur l’impact local des firmes multinationales (CRILFM)

Recherche et expertise

Économie, économie internationale

Unités de recherche
Centre interuniversitaire sur le risque, les politiques économiques et l’emploi (CIRPÉE)

Projets de recherche en cours
Chocs individuels et volatitlité macroéconomique (projet FRQSC)

Affiliations externes principales
Chercheur associé au CREST


  • “Knocking on Tax Haven’s Door : Multinational Firms and Transfer Pricing”, forthcoming Review
    of Economics and Statistics, (with Ron Davies, Mathieu Parenti and Farid Toubal)
  • “The Few Leading the Many : Foreign Affiliates and Business Cycle Comovement”, American
    Economic Journal : Macroeconomics Volume 7, no. 4, October 2015 (with Farid Toubal and Jörn
  • “High-End Variety Exporters Defying Gravity : Micro Facts and Aggregate Implications”, Journal
    of International Economics Volume 96, Issue 1, May 2015, pp. 55-71 (with Florian Mayneris)
  • Low-Wage Country Competition and the Quality Content of High-Wage Country Export”, Journal
    of International Economics, Volume 93, Issue 1, May 2014, Pages 140–152 (w. I. Méjean)
  • “Markups, Quality, and Transport Costs”, European Economic Review, 56-2012, pp. 777-791.
  • “Price Dispersion and the Euro : Micro Heterogeneity and Macro Implications”, International
    Review of Economics and Finance, vol. 26(C) 2013, pages 70-86, Special Issue edited by Paul
    Bergin and Fabio Ghironi (with Isabelle Méjean)

Publications en français

  • “ Fiscalité des Entreprises et Paradis Fiscaux : Une Étude sur Données Canadiennes”, L’Actualité
    Économique, 93(3) -2017 (with Cristian Stratica)
  • “ Euro et Dispersion des Prix à l’Exportation ”, Economie et Statistique, 435.436-2010
    (with Isabelle Méjean)

Working Papers

  • “Are clusters resilient ? Evidence from Canadian textile industries”, CEPR Discussion Paper
    12184, July 2017 (with Kristian Behrens and Brahim Boualam)
  • “Volatility in the small and in the large : Diversification in trade networks”, CEPR Discussion
    Paper 11534, Sept. 2016 (with Francis Kramarz and Isabelle Méjean)
  • “Invoicing Currency and Financial Hedging”, CEPR Discussion Paper 11700, Dec. 2016 (with
    Victor Lyonnet and Isabelle Méjean)

Work in progess

  • “Gentrification and Local Businesses”, (with K. Behrens, B. Boualam, and F. Mayneris)
  • “Seller-buyer matching in international good markets”, (with C. Lenoir and I. Méjean)
  • “Relationship specificity : Measurement and application to trade”, (with I. Méjean and M. Parenti)
  • “Firms and shocks : evidence from France”, (with V. Rappoport, N. Ramondo, and F. Toubal)

Enseignements et expériences professionnelles

Dans les médias   Conférences  
