Articles scientifiques
– Testoni FE, García Carrillo M, Gagnon M-A, Rikap C, Blaustein M (2021) Whose shoulders is health research standing on ? Determining the key actors and contents of the prevailing biomedical research agenda. PLoS ONE 16(4) : e0249661. 1-17.
– Lexchin J, Bero LA, Davis C, Gagnon MA. Achieving greater independence from commercial influence in research. BMJ. 2021 Mar 9 ;372 : n370. doi : 10.1136/bmj.n370. PMID : 33687982.
– Gagnon MA (2020). Understanding the Battle for Universal Pharmacare in Canada ; Comment on “Universal Pharmacare in Canada”. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. Vol. 10 (3) March 2021 : pp.168-171, doi : 10.34172/ijhpm.2020.40
– Deborah Gleeson (Principal author), Joel Lexchin, Ronald Labonte, Belinda Townsend, MA Gagnon, Jillian Kohler, Lisa Forman and Ken Shadle. “Analysing the impact of trade and investment agreements on pharmaceutical policy : provisions, pathways and potential impacts”. Globalization and Health 15(1), November 2019 : 1-17.
– Charbonneau, Mathieu, MA Gagnon. « Surviving niche busters : Main strategies employed by Canadian private insurers facing the arrival of high cost specialty drugs ». Health Policy 122 (12). December 2018 : 1295-1301.
– Lexchin, J, JC Kohler, MA Gagnon, J Crombie, P Thacker, A Shnier. “Combating corruption in the pharmaceutical arena. Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, March 15 2018 : 1-6.
– Morgan, Steven G, Marc-André Gagnon, Mathieu Charbonneau, Alain Vadeboncoeur. “Evaluating the effects of Quebec’s private– public drug insurance system”. Canadian Medical Association Journal 189 (40) ; Oct 10, 2017 : E1259-E1263.
– Gagnon, MA (principal author) and Karena Volesky, 2017. “Merger Mania : Mergers and acquisitions in the generic drug sector from 1995 to 2016”. Globalization and Health. 13 (62) : 1-7.
– Morgan, Steven G., MA Gagnon, Barbara Mintzes and Joel Lexchin, 2016. “A Better Prescription : Advice for a National Strategy on Pharmaceutical Policy in Canada”. Healthcare Policy 12 (1), May 2016.
– Gagnon, MA, 2015. “New Drug Pricing ; Does it make any sense ?” Prescrire International 24 (162) : 192-195. English translation of Gagnon, MA, 2015. « Pourquoi les médicaments sont-ils si chers ? Les dérives d’un modèle d’affaires. » Prescrire 35 (380) : 457-461.
– Lexchin, Joel and MA Gagnon, 2014. « CETA and pharmaceuticals : impact of the trade agreement between Europe and Canada on the costs of prescription drugs ». Globalization and Health, Vol. 10 #30, May 2014.
Gagnon, MA, 2013. “Corruption of Pharmaceutical Markets : Addressing the Misalignment of Financial Incentives and Public Health,” in Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics, Vol. 41 #3, September 2013 : 571-580.
– Gagnon, MA, 2012. “Corporate influence over clinical research : Considering the
alternatives.” Prescrire International 21(129) : 191-194. English translation of Gagnon, MA, 2012. “Recherche Clinique Sous Influence : Penser les Alternatives.” Prescrire (342) (March 2012) : 311-314.
– Gagnon, MA, 2012. “L’Aide Publique à L’Industrie Pharmaceutique Québécoise : le
jeu en vaut-il la Chandelle ?” Interventions Economiques/Papers in Political Economy
(44) : 1-17.
– Gagnon, MA (principal author) and Joel Lexchin, 2008. “The Cost of Pushing Pills : A
New Estimate of Pharmaceutical Promotion Expenditures in the United States.” PLoS Medicine 5(1) : 1-6.
– Gagnon, MA, 2007. “Capital, Power & Knowledge according to Thorstein Veblen :
Reinterpreting the Knowledge-Based Economy.” Journal of Economic Issues 41(2) : 593-
Chapitres de livres
– Gagnon, MA, 2021. "Ghost management as a central feature of accumulation in corporate capitalism : the case of the global pharmaceutical sector". Chapter from Marlène Benquet and Théo Bourgeron (ed.) Accumulating Capital Today : Contemporary Strategies of Profit and Dispossessive Policies. New York : Routledge : pp.163-177.
– Gagnon, MA, Matthew Herder, Janice Graham, Katherine Fierlbeck and Anna Danyliuk, 2021. “Clinical trial data transparency in Canada : Mapping the Progress from Laggard to Leader”. Chapter from Katherine Fierlbeck, Janice Graham and Matthew Herder (eds.) Transparency, Power, and Influence in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Toronto : University of Toronto Press : pp. 114-128.
– Gagnon, MA, 2021. “The Political Economy of Influence ; Ghost-management in the Pharmaceutical Sector”. Chapter from Katherine Fierlbeck, Janice Graham and Matthew Herder (eds.) Transparency, Power, and Influence in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Toronto : University of Toronto Press : pp. 159-183.
– Gagnon, MA, 2017. « Financing the Public Provision of Prescription Drugs in Canada : Comparison and Assessment of Financing Options » in Katherine Graham and Allan Maslove (eds) How Ottawa Spends 2017-2018 ; Canada@150. Ottawa : Carleton University, October 2017.
– Gagnon, MA, 2016. “Shaping the social determinants of value through economic ghostmanagement : an institutionalist approach to capital accumulation.” Published in Tae-Hee Jo and Frederic S. Lee (eds). Marx, Veblen, and the Foundations of Heterodox Economics : Essays in Honor of John F. Henry. London and New York : Routledge : pp.228-251.
– Gagnon, MA (principal author) and Dimitri della Faille, 2013. “Thorstein Veblen :
Economista Iconoclasta.” Published in P.P. Poggio (dir.) L’altronovecento. Comunismo eretico e pensiero critico. Vol 3 : Il Capitalismo Americano E I Suoi Critici. Milano : Jaca Book.
– Gagnon, MA, 2012. “Les Droits de Propriété Intellectuelle sont-ils un écueil pour la modernité industrielle ? La cas des brevets dans l’industrie pharmaceutique” in Marie-Pierre Boucher (dir.) La Propriété et ses Multiples. Montreal : Nota Bene : 201-250.
– Gagnon, MA, 2004. “La main visible de la propriété intellectuelle contre l’intérêt général : Les formes disciplinaires du néolibéralisme,” in La Régulation Néolibérale : Crise ou ajustement ?” Edited by Raphael Canet and Jules Duchastel. Montreal : Athéna Éditions ; pp.175-200.
– Gagnon, MA, 2002. “Mercantilisme,” in Relations Internationales : Théories et Concepts. Ed. Évelyne Dufault, Guillaume Dufour, and Alex MacLeod. Montréal : Athéna Éditions ; 128-130.
– Gagnon, MA, 2000. “Les réseaux de l’internationalisme statistique (1885-1914),” in Jean-Pierre Beaud and Jean-Guy Prévost (dir.) L’ère des chiffres : systèmes statistiques et traditions nationales. Québec : Presses de l’Université du Québec ; 181-220.
– MA Gagnon. La régulation des prix des médicaments au Canada et au Québec. Document préparé dans le cadre de la poursuite Merck Canada Inc. c. Procureur général du Canada. Document soumis au procureur général du Canada, 13 mars 2020.
– MA Gagnon (principal author) and Sidney Wolfe. 2015. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall : Medicare Part D pays needlessly high brand-name drug prices compared with other OECD countries and with U.S. government programs. Report for Public Citizen and Carleton University’s School of Public Policy and Administration. Policy Brief, July 23 2015 : 19 p. :
Steven G. Morgan, Danielle Martin, MA Gagnon, Barbara Mintzes, Jamie R. Daw and Joel Lexchin. 2015. Pharmacare 2020 ; The Future of Drug Coverage in Canada. Published by the Pharmaceutical Policy Research Collaboration, University of British Columbia. July 15 2015 :
– MA Gagnon. A Roadmap to Rational Pharmacare Policy in Canada. Ottawa : Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions. August 2014. :
MA Gagnon (principal author) and Guillaume Hébert. “The Economic Case for
Universal Pharmacare.” Ottawa : IRIS and CCPA, September 2010 :