“Power in the Governance of Common-pool Resources : A Comparative Analysis of Irrigation Management Decentralization in Turkey” (with Gokhan Ozertan) Environmental Policy and Governance (forthcoming).
“Ulus Devletlerde Vatandaşlık ve Kimlik” (with Bilgesu Sümer). In Evren Balta ed. Küresel Siyasete Giriş : Uluslararası İlişkilerde Kavramlar, Teoriler, Süreçler. İletişim Yayınları (2014). pp. 491-500.
“Yerel Kalkınma ve Sürdürülebilirlik : Türkiye’ye Genel Bir Bakış” (with Refik Erzan and Begüm Özkaynak). In Ahmet Faruk Aysan and Devrım Dumludağ eds. Kalkınmada Yeni Yaklaşımlar. İmge Yayınevi (2014). pp. 289-316.
“Révolution et gouvernementalité : Comparaison des révolutions mexicaine et turque.” (avec Sanem Su Avci). In J. Durazo Hermann ed. Réflexions sur le centenaire de la Révolution mexicaine : Un siècle bigarré. Presses de l’Université du Québec (2013).
“Problems and Prospects for Genuine Participation in Water Governance in Turkey.” (with Ekin Kurtic). In J. Goldin, L. Harris and C. Sneddon eds. Contemporary Water Governance in the Global South : Scarcity, Marketization and Participation. Routledge (2013).
“Environmental Organisations in Turkey : Engaging the State and Capital” (with H. Paker, B. Ozkaynak and F. Adaman), Environmental Politics, Vol 22. No.5. pp.760-778 (2013). SSCI
“The Neoliberal Transformation of Local Government in Turkey and the Contracting Out of Municipal Services : Implications for Public Accountability” (with Bilgesu Sumer). Mediterranean Politics. Vol 17. No.3, pp.340-357 (November 2012). SSCI
“Türkiye Tarımında Suyun Sürdürülebilir Kullanımı” with G. Ozertan. Ekoform. Yıl 1. Sayi 7 (2011).
“Yerel Direniş ve Değişim : Bergama Örneği” Kadınlar Ekolojik Dönüşümde, Editör : Emet Değirmenci. İstanbul : Yeni İnsan Yayınları (2010).
“Water in Turkey : Neoliberal Policies, Challenges and The Road Ahead.” (with G. Ozertan) In Rethinking Structural Reform in Turkish Agriculture : Beyond the World Bank’s Strategies. Edited by Baris Karapinar, Fikret Adaman and Gokhan Ozertan. New York : Nova Science Publishers (2010).
“In the Land of the Ostriches : Developmentalism, Environmental Degradation and Forced Migration in Turkey.” In Environment, Forced Migration and Social Vulnerability. Edited by T. Afifi and J. Jager. Berlin : Springer (2010).
“Changing Conceptions of Citizenship in Turkey.” (updated version) In Citizenship Policies in the New Europe. Expanded and Updated Edition. Edited by R. Bauböck, B. Perchining and W. Sievers. Amsterdam University Press (2009).
“National Transnationalism : Dual Citizenship in Turkey” In Dual Citizenship in Europe : From Nationhood to Societal Integration. Edited by T. Faist. Aldershot, UK : Ashgate (2007).
“Changing Conceptions of Citizenship in Turkey.” In Citizenship Policies in the New Europe. Edited by R. Bauböck, B. Perchinig and W. Sievers Amsterdam University Press (2007).
“Assessing the Efficacy of Transnational Advocacy Networks.” In Environmentalism in Turkey : Between Democracy and Development ? Edited by F. Adaman and M. Arsel. Aldershot : Ashgate (2005).
“The Transnational Dimension of the Bergama Campaign Against Eurogold” in Transnational Social Spaces : Agents, Networks and Institutions. Edited by T. Faist and E. Ozveren. Aldershot : Ashgate (2004).
“The Transstate Dimensions of the Bergama Resistance against Eurogold”, German-Turkish Summer Institute 2000-2001 Working Paper No. 6.
“Medieval Business Partnerships : Islamic vs. Western”, New Perspectives on Turkey, Fall 2001, 123-147.
“State Structures : Coercion vs. Co-ordination. Some Lessons for Turkey”, with F. Adaman, New Perspectives on Turkey, Spring 1999, 143-154.