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Nicolas Foucras

Professeur, Tecnológico de Monterrey

Professeur, Tecnologico. de Monterrey, Mexique.

Nicolas FOUCRAS is a PhD in Political Science from Laval University with a focus on Public Policy (Canada), he has a Master in Economics of Developing Countries from Reading University (UK) and a Master in Development Economics from the University of Toulouse (France). Since 2006 he has been a professor-researcher at the undergraduate level in the Department of Political Science and International Relations and at the postgraduate level in the School of Government and Public Transformation of the TEC of Monterrey (Mexico). He is an advisor to the World Bank in short value chain building projects in the agricultural sector with the use of digital platforms.

He is the academic coordinator in a project developed by the World Resources Institute which purpose is to train decision makers in Latin America for the development of the regulatory framework related to the circular economy. He is an advisor on circular economy issues for the Mexican consulting company Nuwa. He is a member of numerous teacher-researcher networks in Canada and Latin America. He has been visiting professor-researcher at the Institute of Sciences Po (France), Baker Institute of Rice University (USA), UNIANDES (Colombia), University of Sherbrooke (Canada), University of Montreal (Canada), Fudan University ( China), University of Río Cuarto (Argentina), ESADE (Spain), etc. He was a member of the CEMEX-TEC Research Center "Sustainable Community Development" between 2012 and 2020. He has collaborated with numerous NGOs, Foundations and government entities in Colombia, Mexico and Canada in areas such as sustainable development, governance and migration.

He has published in scientific journals in Mexico and Canada. He was Director of the Faculty of Political Science at the TEC University of Monterrey from 2008 to 2012. He was a professor-researcher at the Externado de Colombia University (Colombia ; 1996-2000) and at Laval University (Canada ; 2002-2006).

Recherche et expertise

  • sustainable development
  • agricultural value chains
  • governance
  • water management and migration

Publications et événements