Suivre les négociations dans les Amériques, étudier les formes nouvelles que prend
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Dorval Brunelle


Dorval Brunelle is full professor in the department of sociology and, since 2008, director of the Montreal Institute of International Studies (IEIM) at UQAM. His fields of study are political economy and social movements. He has published some 20 books and numerous articles. His recent publications include: From World Order to Global Disorder: States, Markets, and Dissent (Vancouver, UBC Press, 2007), Chronique des Amériques. Du Sommet de Québec au Forum social mondial, (Québec, PUL, 2010), Gouvernance. Théories et pratiques, (Montréal, Éditions IEIM, 2010), as well as Repenser l’Atlantique: commerce, immigration, sécurité (Bruylant, Bruxelles, 2012) and Communautés atlantiques/Atlantic Communities: asymétries et convergences, (Montréal, Éditions IEIM, 2012).







Total 20 publications


Total 20 publications

Scientific Articles

Total 20 publications

Research Notes

Total 18 publications

Chroniques des Amériques

Total 20 publications

Studies, Memoir and Thesis

Total 2 publications


Total 6 publications

Newspaper Articles and Online Medias

Total 5 publications

Other pages publications

Total 20 publications

Professeur associé

Téléphone : 514 987-4143
Local : A-5055

Dans les médias

Total 6 publications


Total 4 publications

Lecture Notes

Total 3 publications


Total 3 publications