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Modes of Governance and Revenue Flows in African Mining

Puce noire 13 February 2014 , Bonnie Campbell

Publié chez Palgrave, Macmillan sous la direction de Bonnie CAMPBELL

Increased investment in the mining sector in Africa is often presented as a key strategy to leverage growth and development on the continent. It has been described as a "motor for growth", which will contribute to poverty reduction. Massive investment has taken place, but the results in crucial areas such as sustainable economic and social development have been extremely disappointing. These outcomes are most frequently attributed to dysfunctional internal governance processes, mismanagement and corruption. Much attention has been given in recent years to the issue of "the poor resource governance" in mineral rich countries. In this volume, academics, policy-makers and practitioners from Africa and beyond aim to achieve a better understanding of these issues by proposing a renewal of approaches. Discussing the cases of Ghana, Mali and the Democratic Republic of the Congo they explore new ways of thinking about issues concerning governance and revenue flows.


Introduction; Bonnie Campbell

1. An Overview of Revenue Flows from the Mining Sector: Impacts, Debates and Policy Recommendations; John Jacobs

2. Regulatory Framework Review and Mining Regime Reform in Mali: Degrees of Rupture and Continuity; Saël Gagné-Ouellet

3. Constraints to Maximization of Net National Retained Earnings from the Mining Sector: Challenges for National Economic Development and Poverty Reduction in Sub Saharan Africa as illustrated by Ghana; Thomas M. Akabzaa

4. Artisanal Mining in Ghana: Institutional Arrangements, Resource Flows, and Poverty Alleviation; Gavin Hilson and Godfried Okoh

5. Tracing Revenue Flows, Governance and the Challenges of Poverty Reduction in the Democratic Republic of Congo`s Artisanal Mining Sector; Didier de Failly S.J., Zacharie Bulakali Ntakobajira and Lucien Bahimba Shonja

Conclusion; Bonnie Campbell.

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