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Liberalisation, deregulation, state promoted investment - Canadian mining interests in Africa

This article explores an apparent paradox of globalisation and liberalisation, with reference to Africa and to Canadian mining interests. On the one hand there is a real danger that the countries of Africa are being integrated into the world economy in the absence of policy instruments necessary to ensure national norms. This may well contribute to the increasing marginali-sation of this part of the world. On the other hand this is very much because of public institutional support and governmental assistance that Canadian mining companies are at the forefront of financing and exploration activities in Africa.

Bonnie K. Campbell (with the collaboration of Bruno Sarrasin, Émilie Revil, and Henri Fruchet), "Liberalisation, deregulation, state promoted investment - Canadian mining interests in Africa", Canadian Mining Interests in Africa", Journal of Mineral Policy, Business and Environment. Raw Materials Report, Stockholm, vol. 13, no 4, 1998, pp. 14-34.


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