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Global Governance Facing Structural Changes New Institutional Trajectories for Digital and Transnational Capitalism

Edited by Michèle Rioux, Kim Fontaine-Skronski

Presentation :

Contemporary global governance is a field of competing institutional schemes and systems of rules. We are at the juncture between old and new, not knowing how to interpret facts or how to explain processes-in-the-making. Yet, it is more important than ever to analyze new institutional trajectories and the emergence of new institutions to understand their interaction and how they can help renew collective action in a brand new world of global digital capitalism. International political economy and international relations theories have struggled to explain institutional changes as they concentrated on explaining international cooperation and order. This book provides a total picture of the interaction between remaining forms of international regimes and new institutional frameworks, with a particular look at the impact of new technologies on these emerging forms of governance.

Michèle Rioux is Professor of Political Science at Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada, and Director of the Centre for the Study of Integration and Globalization (CEIM), Canada. She specializes in International Political Economy and her areas of research include international organizations, transnational firms, information society, and the telecommunications sector. Kim Fontaine-Skronski is a Phd candidate at Universite Laval and Assistant Director of the Institute of International Studes of Montreal (IEIM), Canada. Her research focuses on institutional design and trade negotiations at the Word Trade Organization. She is currently working on the trade-culture nexus in the digital age.
