Accueil CEIM / Accueil GGT / Événements - Centre d’études sur l’intégration et la mondialisation (CEIM) / Global Internet Governance and International Human Rights Whose Rights, (…)

Global Internet Governance and International Human Rights Whose Rights, Whose Interpretations ?

Date limite de soumission : 1er février 2022

European Multidisciplinary Conference on Global Internet Governance Actors, Regulations, Transactions and Strategies

Sujet de l’appel à communications : Governance of human rights in the digital world, continuing the conversation on global internet governance from attention to institutions and structural factors to the role of content and misinformation as an object of governance, and internet actors as forces of change.

Vous trouverez dans le document en pièce jointe d’autres thèmes de sujets possibles.

Submission information and publication Opportunities

Authors are invited to submit their extended abstracts (no longer than 500 words), describing their
research question(s), theoretical framework, approach and methodology, expected findings or
empirical outcome. Submitted abstracts will be evaluated through a peer-review process.
Abstracts and authors’ information should be submitted through the Easychair conference management

Authors of selected submissions will have the opportunity to submit their full manuscript for

Dates importantes à retenir

 Deadline for abstract submissions : 1st February 2022
 Notification to authors : 1st March 2022
 Authors registration (at least one author must register for a selected presentation to appear on the
programme) : From 1st to 14 March 2022
 Programme publication : 21 March 2022
 Online registration : From 21 to 31 March 2022
 Conference dates : 13 & 14 April 2022

Adresse à contacter en cas de questions

Documents joints


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Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)    Institut d'études internationales de Montréal (IEIM)    Centre d'études sur l'intégration et la mondialisation (CEIM)    CANADA    Ressources humaines et Développement social Canada    Conseil des relations internationales de Montréal (CORIM)