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The progressive agenda and international trade negotiations

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Puce noire Deadline: March 20, 2019

Call for Papers

Thematic number of Papers in Political Economy

The progressive agenda and international trade negotiations

Stéphane Paquin, Professor at the National School of Public Administration
Hubert Rioux, Postdoctoral Fellow and Banting Fellow, National School of Public Administration.

1. Perspectives

Since 2017, the Government of Canada has been promoting a "progressive" agenda for international trade. The latter advocates a more equitable global (and regional) trade that serves the middle class and the most vulnerable.
In order to implement this project, Canada is attempting to incorporate new "social" and "environmental" clauses into trade agreements. The Government of Canada is committed to reforming trade treaties in a number of areas, including labor rights, the environment and climate change, gender equality, and the rights of First Nations. This progressive agenda was one of the themes of the G7 Summit hosted by Canada in 2018.
This agenda contrasts sharply with the ambient populism and the return of economic nationalism and then protectionism all over the world. In addition, it also contrasts with some of Canada’s own business practices, particularly with respect to environmental matters and with respect to First Nations.

2. Thematic Issue

The purpose of this special issue is to take stock of what the "progressive" trade agenda represents in Canada, but also in other parts of the world, including the European Union.
This call for papers is open to these issues being addressed from different angles - theoretical, historical, commercial, fiscal, legal, political, diplomatic, security, environmental, trade union and social, etc.
This thematic issue is intended to be one of the first meeting points for researchers working on international trade, progressive social policies, and economic nationalism.

3. Paper proposals should be sent to:

Stéphane Paquin, Professor at the National School of Public Administration

4. Deadlines

• Launch of the call for texts: January 2019
• Deadline for receipt of proposals: March 20, 2019
• Reaction to authors regarding their proposal: April 15, 2019
• Deadline for texts submissions: August 1, 2019
• Expected date of publication: Winter / Spring 2020

5. Paper proposals should include:

Articles proposed to the drafting Committee must be original, not submitted elsewhere and not published in another language. The articles will not exceed 25 pages (including tables, graphs and bibliography) with one-and-a-half lines (or 50,000 characters) and must be accompanied by a short summary of ten lines, in English and French, and five keywords, in English and French too.
The author will provide the following information : name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, title and home institution.
The texts will be examined anonymously by two external readers (or three if there is no agreement on the evaluation). The articles submitted will present original research results and qualities such as readability and relevance to the general issue of the issue. Published articles remain the property of the journal.

Submitted articles must follow the standards of presentation of the journal:
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