Bauxite Bargaining. The Consequences for a Bauxite-Producing Country of the Renegociation of the Bauxite Levy : The Example of Guinea


Expert report on economic implications of bauxite export taxation in bauxite-producing countries,with special reference to the case of Guinea - covers (1) the process of accumulation of the aluminium branch and recentdevelopments in the bauxite, alumina and aluminium industry on the global level (2) the production and pricing of bauxite (3)bauxite and alumina production in Guinea ; the consequences of renegotiation of the bauxite export levy. Statistics, maps.Additional references : investment, tariff policy, transnational corporations. Tables, graphs, map.

Campbell, Bonnie. 1986. « Bauxite Bargaining. The Consequences for a Bauxite-Producing Country of the Renegociation of the Bauxite Levy : The Example of Guinea ». Préparé pour la Branche des négociations, l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour le développement industriel. Vienne : ONUDI, mai 1986, 85 p.


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