Accueil > Publications - Centre d’études sur l’intégration et la mondialisation (CEIM) > Clarksonian Mega-Challenges for Canada and North America

Clarksonian Mega-Challenges for Canada and North America

par Michèle Rioux

Michèle Rioux, 3 mars 2018

Article publié en ligne sur The Progressive Economics Forum

Extrait :

« North America has been an experimental model of trade and integration for at least the last 25 years. Stephen spent his life understanding North America and how the region shaped the Canadian political economy and society. An excellent, innovative researcher, he kept asking questions, many without clear-cut answers that led to a dozen high impact publications. Always kind and generous, intellectually challenging, he had an engaging personality and a very contagious smile. In this short article, remembering his critical influence he had on my research and in the field of Canadian political economy, I will specifically explore three topics that are central to his many contributions :

• The singular importance of the world economic system and the emergence of powerful multinational corporations as pivotal actors in diminishing the role of state everywhere.
• The asymmetrical growth in social inequality from new market access and free trade in North America and their “capture” of the public policy process.
• The transformative impact of regional economic integration models on the dynamics of state sovereignty and comparative international political economy. »

Pour lire l’article au complet : The Progressive Economics Forum


Michèle Rioux

Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche
en développement international et société (CIRDIS)

Université du Québec à Montréal
Pavillon Hubert-Aquin
400, rue Sainte-Catherine Est, bureau A-3335
Montréal (Québec) H2L 2C5 Canada

Téléphone 514 987-3000 poste 6222


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