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Canadian Foreign Policy : A Linguistically Divided Field


Jérémie Cornut et Stéphane Roussel. « Canadian Foreign Policy : A Linguistically Divided Field », Revue canadienne de science politique, vol. 44, no. 03, pp. 685-709.

* Les auteurs sont respectivement chercheur associé et titulaire de la Chaire de recherche du Canada en politiques étrangère et de défense canadiennes

Abstract. This study analyses the French-language scholars’ place in Canadian foreign pol- icy. More precisely, it measures and compares their productions in French and in English out- put ! and the citations to this output impact ! in works by English-language scholars. The output is measured using the Canadian Foreign Relations Index. Then a representative sample of bib- liographies taken from books and articles written by English-language scholars and published between 1997 and 2007 is analyzed. Various conclusions on the place of French and French- language scholars in the field are drawn from these data, including their small contribution to Canadian foreign policy and the absence of citations to works in French by English-language scholars. Political implications of the results are discussed.

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