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The Legacy of Dewey and Gramsci for Critically Interpreting Interaction

6th International Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis : Discursive Spaces. Politics, Practices and Power

Conférence tenue le 24 juin 2011

John Dewey and the Crisis of Twentieth Century Liberalism

The twentieth century saw the rise and fall of authoritarian forms of State communism in many parts of the world. It also witnessed the end of laissez faire liberalism.

For western democracies in Europe and the U.S, the most tumultuous period of history was assuredly the one between the two World Wars. War, along with the Great Depression helped foster general doubt about the peaceful future of pluralist societies. Liberal intellectuals were hard pressed to come up with solutions to the social and economic problems of modern capitalism. As Marx predicted in The Communist Manifesto as well as in the pages of Capital, the bourgeoisie was creating economic forces that it could no longer master.

Pour lire la suite, consulter le document joint.

Pour consulter le programme du 6th International Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis : Discursive Spaces. Politics, Practices and Power, cliquer ici

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Centre d’études sur l’intégration et la mondialisation (CEIM)
Université du Québec à Montréal
400, rue Sainte-Catherine Est
Pavillon Hubert-Aquin, 1er étage
Bureau A-1560
Montréal (Québec) H2L 2C5 Canada

514 987-3000 poste 3910
Télécopieur : 514 987-0397


Doté d’une structure favorisant la recherche, l’innovation et l’échange des idées, le CEIM réunit des chercheurs de réputation internationale spécialistes de l’économie politique des processus d’intégration et de mondialisation. Les accords commerciaux, la mondialisation, le régionalisme, le pouvoir des firmes, l’impact du numérique, autant de questions qui font l’objet des recherche du centre.

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