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Antonios Vlassis

Culture development and technical and financial assistance on the basis of the Convention

15 mai 2014

Antonios Vlassis, « Culture development and technical and financial assistance on the basis of the Convention » in Lilian Richieri Hanania (ed.), Cultural diversity in international law : Effectiveness and normativity of the 2005 Convention on Diversity of Cultural Expressions, New York, London, Routledge, 2014 : 167-180.


Recent research on the CDCE implementation deals with key issues such as the conviction of China by the WTO judges regarding the movie and broadcasting sector (Neuwirth 2010 ; Vlassis 2012a) and the impact of bilateral trade agreements on the CDCE implementation (Gagné 2011 ; Richieri Hanania 2012), as well as the ambivalence of Protocols on Cultural Cooperation promoted by the EU (Loisen and DeVille 2011 ; Richieri Hanania 2012). Nevertheless, cultural development and the CDCE’s impact on its evolution still remain a neglected question. Therefore, this chapter aims to fill the gap in the literature on the CDCE by focusing on the financial and technical aid for cultural development on the basis of the CDCE. It highlights the way the implementation of the IFCD has taken place, its institutional implications and its perspectives, as well as some problematic aspects of cultural development, in order to make proposals and recommendations for a better implementation of the CDCE on this matter.

Know more about this chapter and book

Cultural Diversity in International Law

The Effectiveness of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions

Edited by Lilian Richieri Hanania