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Centre d’études sur l’intégration et la mondialisation (CEIM)Daniel Drache

What’s Next for Global Labour : Power Dynamics and Industrial Relations Systems in a Hyperglobalized World

Lundi 17 décembre 2012 à 11h, UQAM

Conférencier : Daniel Drache, membre du CEIM et Full Professor of Political Science in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies at York University.

La conférence What’s Next for Global Labour : Power Dynamics and Industrial Relations Systems in a Hyperglobalized World présentée par le CEIM se tiendra le lundi 17 décembre à 11h au A-1715, Pavillon Hubert-Aquin, UQAM.


This conference looks at four interconnected issues that impact directly on the fragility of bottom up policy spaces for the future of work and employment : labour-shedding technologies ; new employment practices ; the geo-economic redistribution of power ; and the fragmentation of the multilateral trading system. Importantly it examines the collapse of the Anglo-American Keynesian model of industrial relations that was predicated on a bottom up policy space to protect wage and salaried workers’ social and economic rights for Canada and the US. Surprisingly, despite North American market integration, the Canadian and American models are highly divergent. Thus the enormous transformations of capitalism have seen decisive shifts in state-market relations with the emergence of industrial relations systems. It concludes that more turbulent change is underway and that the Anglo-American model of industrial relations cannot be exported to China or other countries though some fascinating points of convergence are visible.