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Bonnie Campbell

Regulation and Legitimacy in the Mining Industry in Africa : Where Does Canada Stand ?

24 février 2009

There are more than 1,000 mining companies listed on Canadian stock exchanges, more than any other country and, as such, represent the most important source of investment in mining in Africa. This article provides a preliminary evaluation of the experience and report of the Canadian National Roundtables on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). It does so in the context of the surge of Canadian investment in mining in Africa and of increasing public awareness of the negative impacts of the activities of Canadian mining enterprises. It examines the issues of resource governance and the ’securitisation’ of mining activities. The recommendations favouring adoption of a Canadian set of CSR Standards for Canadian extractive-sector companies operating abroad is contextualised in the global expansion of transnational mining investment that since the 1990s led to increasing conflicts with local communities.

Bonnie Campbell

Campbell, Bonnie. 2008. « Regulation and Legitimacy in the Mining Industry in Africa : Where Does Canada Stand ? », Review of African Political Economy, Angleterre, vol. 35, no 117, septembre, p. 367-385.

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