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Antonios Vlassis

Linking International Norms to Regions : Mercosur and ASEAN facing the challenge of cultural diversity

Politica & Sociedade, vol.16, n°35, p. 67-93


The Convention on diversity of cultural expression (CDCE), adopted by Unesco in 2005, became a main mechanism within the multilayered global governance of cultural industries, establishing new pratices regarding the cultural sector. My article encourage an orignial view on norm diffusion and implementation focusing on two regions : Mercosur (Southern Common Market) and ASEAN (Association of the Southeast Asian Nations). Through the analysis of the CDCE’s transfer from international level to Mercosur and ASEAN regions, my article seeks to explore four key questions : why do actors engage in norm transfer ? Who are the key actors involved in the norm transfer process ? What is transferred and why ? What restricts or facilitates the norm transfer process ?

Keywords : norm diffusion, regions, Mercosur, ASEAN, UNESCO, non-governmental organisations, cultural industries, cultural diversity

L’article complet est disponible sur le site de la revue Politica & Sociedade.