Observatoire sur la coopération internationale
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The School of Continuing Education on Ecuadorian Buen Vivir of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Integration

International Conference on “Sustainable Development Alternatives : how to change the social paradigm focusing on the human being and nature”

Du mardi 5 au jeudi 7 juin 2012, Équateur

Par Institut d’études internationales de Montréal (IEIM), Observatoire des Amériques (OdA)


On January 2007 began in Ecuador a change of time, where a new economic model and a new inclusive human development project were built.
The Citizen Revolution Government, leaded by Economist Rafael Correa Delgado, has the purpose of changing the productive structure of the country, going from a basically extractive economy dependent on raw material exports, to an economy based on production diversification, know-how, biotechnology, etc.

The new Constitution of Ecuador and the National Plan for Buen Vivir (Good Living) 2009-2013, propose new economic and social challenges in order to reach a “Buen Vivir” (Good Living) for Ecuadorians. It is a development model that finally places the priorities in the right order.

As the President of the Republic said many times, this Government rejects the vision of people serving economy, but gives economy the role of an “instrument” to achieve the real wellbeing of human beings, keeping the poor, education and health investment, the fight against inequality, and the creation of opportunities for all, as priorities.

Human development, overcoming inequality, the commitment of going beyond the goals of the millennium, has been the objective of this government, even more than a good performance of the main macroeconomic indicators.

The failure of neoliberalism in Latin America was evident along the years. The Washington Consensus was revealed for the subcontinent as a path covered in blood, sweat and tears, which has taken people and countries to suffer great economic crisis, financial instability, poverty, inequality, economical dependency and political inherence.

In this path, Ecuador does not enter the panorama of Latin-American politics as the small Andean country submissive to large world potencies. Despite its dollarized economy that took away its exchange policy tools, it is no longer subordinated to the North. Ecuador is now a proud sovereign country, one of the important actors and promoters of the agenda and the creation of Latin-Americans institutions that want to solve old dependency problems, and is committed, through regional integration, to strengthen the road towards the political and economical unity of Latin America.

This is why the Government of Ecuador, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Integration, promotes the creation of a School of Continuing Education on the Ecuadorian Buen Vivir (Good Living), whose Mission is :

To extend the global vision on the development project of Ecuadorian Buen Vivir (Good Living), in order to promote its understanding and promotion as an international reference.

Therefore, SCEBV proposes organizing an international conference to reflect and debate on the achievements and challenges of the Citizen Revolution project, as well as on the proposals and theoretical studies made in several places of the world about the many alternative development experiences proposed, that show that there are indeed viable alternatives to the neoliberal model that has dominated and dominates social and economical relations.


Thomas Chiasson-Le-Bel, PhD (c). Researcher on compared developmental political economy, York University, Canada.


Professors and professionals : 60$
Students : 30$

PARTICIPANTS (auditors with participation diploma) : $20


Applicants, who present a paper of especial relevance for the conference and make an express request for financial aid, might receive financial help to cover part or all of the cost of the air ticket from their city of residence to Quito. These participants shall present their air ticket and boarding passes.


March 25, 2012
Last day for reception of executive summaries (abstracts)

April 20, 2012
Communication of acceptance of executive summaries (abstracts)

May 7, 2012
Last day for international applicants to reserve a space in the conference

Tuesday 5 Conference Opening Day

Registration and information : http://www.mmrree.gob.ec/efc/conferencia.asp


