
Book Review : Modes of Governance and Revenue Flows in African Mining

Samuel J. Spiegel , 18 April 2015

Samuel Spiegel propose une recension du livre Modes of Governance and Revenue Flows in African Mining dirigé par B. Campbell dans la revue The Extractive Industries and Society.

« This book offers a richly detailed and timely analysis of contemporary debates about mineral governance and revenue flows in Africa. Edited by Bonnie Campbell with an impressive team of contributing authors, the book provides a highly context-sensitive unpacking of the political and institutional processes through which policymakers have governed mining investment and associated revenues in recent years. The book advances critiques of dominant managerialist discourses of governance that will be of strong interest to readers across several disciplines, from development studies to political science, economics, geography and beyond. It shows how international financial institutions have promoted foreign investment-focused reform agendas that, in many cases, contributed to exacerbating problems of inequitable development. Offering fresh insights into global institutional processes as well as country-specific reforms in Ghana, Mali and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the book charts a path forward for bringing concerns about equity and power to the forefront of debates about governing revenue flows from mining. »

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