Observatoire sur la coopération internationale
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Changes at CIDA, Canadian international cooperation policies and the NGO milieu

Mercredi 29 janvier 2014 de 18h à 21h, UQAM

Par Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en développement international et société (CIRDIS)

Brian TOMLINSON, anciennement analyste senior au Conseil canadien de coopération internationale (CCCI)

Brian Tomlinson is currently Executive Director of AidWatch Canada, which focuses on issues related to Canadian aid priorities, CSO development effectiveness and global aid trends. Brian retired in June 2011 as Senior Policy Analyst (Aid Policy) at the Canadian Council for International Co-operation (CCIC). He is widely published on Canadian international cooperation, with particular emphasis on policy issues related to international assistance, including the implementation of the ODA Accountability Act. A research paper on the allocation of Canada’s Fast Start Finance for climate change adaptation and mitigation, undertaken with the Canadian CSO working group, C4D, will be published by C4D in October 2013.

Brian was active in civil society preparation for the Busan High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness in 2011. He currently is the CSO co-chair for the multi-stakeholder Task Team on CSO Development Effectiveness and the Enabling Environment, representing the global CSO Platform on Development Effectiveness (CPDE). The Task Team focuses particularly on monitoring global issues in the CSO enabling environment.

Brian recently worked as a consultant with CIVICUS as editor for their 2013 State of Civil Society Report on enabling conditions for CSOs. He is working with UNDP-China on an e-book highlighting experiences of donors in their relationships with CSOs in aid delivery drawing lessons for southern aid providers. The e-book will be published and launched at the end of September. He is working with the CSO Working Group on CSO Enabling Environment drawing together evidence of trends in enabling environment issues as a CSO contribution to the OECD monitoring of progress in relation to the outcome of the Busan High Level Forum. This evidence will be presented to a Ministerial meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation in 2014.

Local A-3316, pav. Hubert-Aquin, 400 rue Ste-Catherine Est, UQAM, Métro Berri-UQAM.

NOTE : La présentation se donnera en anglais uniquement.
